Older lsdy i. psycho 1998
Older lsdy i. psycho 1998

older lsdy i. psycho 1998

  • Big Bad: Specifically his "Mother" personality, who will kill anybody she has to to keep Norman under her thumb.
  • He's really a soft-spoken and caring young man, but his Split Personality is the psychotic one that takes over and kills.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: He may be the Trope Codifier.
  • older lsdy i. psycho 1998

  • Berserk Button: He gets really angry when Marion suggests sending his mother to an asylum.
  • Being Tortured Makes You Evil: Given for bad guys who are raised by Abusive Parents.
  • Being Evil Sucks: For the Norman personality, going through extreme amounts of stress and anxiety covering up the murders, as well as dealing with his Mother personality.
  • Although surprisingly enough, his stuttering and incessant chewing goes some way in convincing Arbogast that he had nothing to do with Marion's disappearance.
  • Bad Liar: Norman is quite frankly a terrible liar, constantly stuttering and slipping up whenever he makes excuses.
  • Ax-Crazy: When the mother side of his personality is in control, brutally stabbing anyone she needs to kill over and over again.
  • The Alcoholic: The book offers a simpler explanation for his transformations into Norma: He drinks a lot.
  • Anti-Villain: As he notes during his conversation with Marion Crane on private traps, "I was born into mine.
  • He taxidermies various birds and puts them around his house, he briefly compares Marion to a bird as a compliment, and he exhibits various bird-like mannerisms, such as cocking his head or eating candy corn in a manner that resembles bird-like pecking.
  • Animal Motif: Norman is associated with birds.
  • He shows more signs of Dissociative Identity Disorder due to having two personalities, and it would seem that this was brought about by the PTSD that he suffered due to the abuse inflicted on him by his mother.
  • Ambiguous Disorder: Contrary to the title of the series, Norman is, in fact, not psychopathic, as psychopaths don't feel any kind of empathy at all, whereas Norman has shown strong empathy and emotional attachments to his mother (for better or worse) and his love interests from the sequels.
  • In both the 1960 film and its remake, he is played by actors in their late twenties.

    older lsdy i. psycho 1998

  • Age Lift: In the novel, Norman was forty.
  • Affably Evil: He's a shy but Nice Guy as "Norman", but as "Mother" well, not so much.
  • In the film, Norman is a genial Nice Guy who seems more interested in taxidermy than anything he is pretty bitter about his lot in life and is The Peeping Tom, but it's not as central to his character as it is with book Norman,
  • Adaptation Personality Change: In the original novel, Norman is a bitter, alcoholic Jerkass obsessed with spiritualism, the occult, and porn and indulges in violent fantasies.
  • This change was understandably made in order to retain the audience's sympathy for him. In the second film, Norman wants to become a normal man and live a peaceful life befriending others.
  • Adaptational Heroism: In the second book, Norman completely accepts his inner darkness and goes on a killing spree throughout California For the Evulz.

    In the film series, he slowly overcomes his split personality's control over him and finally breaks free in the fourth and final film. Adaptational Badass: In the novels, Norman continued his descent into insanity and was completely dominated by the memory of his mother.Vince Vaughn, who plays Norman in the 1998 remake, is slightly closer to his book counterpart.

    older lsdy i. psycho 1998

    In the film, he's a shy nice guy who looks cute and innocent. Adaptational Attractiveness: In the novel, Norman is an overweight, balding, alcoholic slob.If you consider Psycho IV canon, his stepfather Chet also enjoyed beating him in " sports." Abusive Parents: The films make it no secret that he's been tormented by his own mother.He's never seen wearing them in any adaptations. Abled in the Adaptation: He wears glasses in the novel.The owner and proprietor of Bates Motel, a failing motel outside the town of Fairvale, Norman Bates' whole world revolves around his abusive mother Norma. Played By: Anthony Perkins (the whole film series), Henry Thomas (young Psycho IV), Vince Vaughn ( Psycho )

    Older lsdy i. psycho 1998